Saturday, October 11, 2008

Ashe at Play!

Ashe has totally taken over the a good way:) He has been playing non-stop with my older cats. Casey is not much for playing, but Noodle still has a lot of kitten in him so they spend alot of time chasing each other and other games. Their favorite game is one where Noodle gets in a box and Ashe attacks through the opening:) It was soo cute I had to take pictures:) Here they are:

Ashe's favorite toy is one of those kitten teaser springs with poof ball on top....It's what he goes for first in the morning:)

Ashe also is adorable during his resting periods:) He is a super kitten for sure!!!


Becky said...

Ashe is the cutest kitten ever! I feel in love the moment I saw the pictures. I put in an application last night for him and keeping my figures crossed. He would have a good home with me and tons for love!


Becky said...

Sorry..I meant "fell in love"

Susan said...

Ashe is precious! I just lost a beloved little girl who looked a lot like Ashe when she was a kitten. She lived 20 years. I hope Ashe goes to a good home. I have two male cats now. I am searching for another baby girl. If it weren't for my two other males, I would be very interested in Ashe.
