Saturday, October 11, 2008

Ashe's new friend "Tina"

Ashe has a new friend:) Another IAR kitty named "Tina". She is about the same age as him, shorter hair but equally as cute:) She will be fostering here with me as well:) She just arrived this morning and so far so good. She has been stalking Ashe and pouncing on him. She was nervous at first (who wouldn't be with 2 kids and other cats around) but has warmed up nicely just in the hour or so she has been here. She is not yet on the IAR website but I will be adjusting that ASAP:) I have yet to be able to get a picture of them together as they are darting around the house like bottle rockets:) But here are a couple of pics I managed to snap of her when she hopped into my lap:)

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